In the midst of basketball season, competitive and recreational teams are spending more time on the court and on their feet. With increased game time comes increased chances of injuries commonly associated with basketball. Most prominently, ankle sprains that result from improper landing will be slowing down players and interfering with their abilities to perform. Basketball players should take extra precaution during the season to stretch and strengthen in order to prevent injury.
First and foremost, proper equipment is the easiest measure to take against injury. High-top footwear will offer a level of ankle support that exceeds what is provided by running and tennis shoes, so players should invest in the right type of shoe if they haven’t already.
Requiring more time and effort, stretching and strengthening activities will serve as the best line of defense against injury. A properly conditioned body will fare better against the stresses of any given activity. Areas that are crucial to stretch include the Achilles tendon, the hamstrings, and the quadriceps. In regard to strengthening, extra attention should be given to the calves and ankles. Efforts to improve balance can also be incorporated as an aspect of your conditioning routine.
While it’s beneficial for basketball players to take the time to condition their bodies now, the best time to start is really before the season is in full swing. Either way, taking measures against injury is the surest way to stay in the game and on your feet.
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