Thursday, March 27, 2014

March Madness Means More Ankle Injuries

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In the midst of basketball season, competitive and recreational teams are spending more time on the court and on their feet. With increased game time comes increased chances of injuries commonly associated with basketball. Most prominently, ankle sprains that result from improper landing will be slowing down players and interfering with their abilities to perform. Basketball players should take extra precaution during the season to stretch and strengthen in order to prevent injury.
First and foremost, proper equipment is the easiest measure to take against injury. High-top footwear will offer a level of ankle support that exceeds what is provided by running and tennis shoes, so players should invest in the right type of shoe if they haven’t already.
Requiring more time and effort, stretching and strengthening activities will serve as the best line of defense against injury. A properly conditioned body will fare better against the stresses of any given activity. Areas that are crucial to stretch include the Achilles tendon, the hamstrings, and the quadriceps. In regard to strengthening, extra attention should be given to the calves and ankles. Efforts to improve balance can also be incorporated as an aspect of your conditioning routine.
While it’s beneficial for basketball players to take the time to condition their bodies now, the best time to start is really before the season is in full swing. Either way, taking measures against injury is the surest way to stay in the game and on your feet.

For more information on physical therapy call (516) 568-4444

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Risks of Weekend Warrior

As most of us are preoccupied during the week with our jobs, families, and other obligatory engagements, we tend to write exercise out of our 5-day schedule. We might try to compensate on the weekends, however, by hitting the gym longer and pushing ourselves harder. Though this physical activity greatly contributes to our bodies’ health, there are also some risks inherent to weekend workouts.

Since we’re not training our bodies consistently during the week, our muscles can be under-conditioned for the level of exertion we intend for the weekend. If our body is not properly prepared, we put ourselves at higher risk for injury. Some of the most common injuries resulting from weekend workouts include shoulder strains, pulled hamstrings, runner’s knee, shin splints, and sprained ankles.
Shoulder strains usually result from muscle overstretching and manifest in tears in muscle fibers or tendons. These strains can be prevented with exercises that specifically target and strengthen shoulder muscles.
Pulled hamstrings are similar to shoulder strains in that they manifest in tears in muscle fibers or tendons. A few minutes of thorough stretching is the best preventative measure.
Runner’s knee is felt through pain behind the kneecap and can be a sign of tendon inflammation. Quad stretches can reduce the risk of this ailment.
Shin splints are most commonly felt by runners, the pain resulting from inflammation and tears in the muscles along the front of the lower leg. Reduced levels of activity will allow shin splints to heal, but proper footwear can reduce the occurrence of splints. Performing foot and calf stretches are necessary preventative measures.
Sprained ankles result from improperly landing on or twisting the foot. Ankle strength will increase with activity, but too much activity at once can result in injury. Avoid sprains with ankle stretching and gradually increasing the activity level of your workout routine.
While stretching and strengthening on the weekends can lower your risk for these injuries, the best way to protect your body is by integrating stretches and low-level activity into your daily routine. Taking just 15 to 30 minutes per day to strengthen your muscles can better prepare your body for your weekend workout, enabling you to reap the full benefits.
For more information on staying safe while exercising call Park Physical Therapy today! 516-568-4444

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Office Workouts

As we are at the tail end of a long winter and the cold weather still discourages most from going outside, incorporating some simple office exercises into your daily routine can help you stay active. It is easy to become stagnant at work, but keeping your blood flowing with simple stretches and exercises can help with mental functioning and overall productivity. Here are a few stretches to try:

  • Reach over your shoulder to your upper back. With your other hand, grab the elbow and gently pull until you reach a comfortable stretch.
  • While sitting upright in your chair, gently turn your torso as far as you can to the left (as far as is comfortable). Then repeat in the opposite direction.
  • To stretch your quads, stand and hold the back of your chair with one hand. Bend one knee bringing your foot toward your bottom with your other hand until your feel a gentle stretch.
Here are some easy exercises to try:
  • Stand up with your back flat against the wall. Slowly slide down the wall, bending your knees but not bending past the knees. Hold for three seconds.
  • Sit down, grip the seat of your chair, straighten your knee and slowly move your leg outward, then back toward the center and down.
Theres no shortage of books, binders, and folders around the office. Grab something stable with decent weight to it for these exercises:
  • Start with a book in each hand, arm down, and raise your arms out to the side to shoulder height. Repeat this sequence.
  • With a palm up, hold a book level with your knee. Use the opposite hand to support your elbow. In a curling motion, raise the book up to your shoulder and lower.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sprains and Strains

Whether you’re an athlete or someone who is not so physically active, soft tissue injuries like strains, sprains and bruises can happen to anyone. To prevent these common and uncomfortable injuries, reacting in a timely fashion can help you recover quickly. The method to follow is called the RICE method, RICE standing for rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

  1. Rest: Reduce strenuous daily activities and avoid putting weight or strain on the injured area.
  2. Ice: To promote healing and reduce inflammation use an ice pack on the injured area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time from 4 to 8 times a day. Use a thin towel between ice pack and your skin to avoid irritation and do not apply for more 20 minutes.
  3. Compression: Wrap the injured body part with a doctor-recommended brace or wrap; make sure it is not too tight and consult you doctor on how often to wear it.
  4. Elevate: Use pillows or prop up your injured area to reduce swelling.