Pitching is a strenuous activity that, when done incorrectly, can lead to serious arm problems. It is crucial to teach pitchers proper mechanics from a young age in order to reduce stress on the pitchers’ arms and reduce the chances for injury. The growing trend among youth baseball organizations to promote throwing year round further demonstrates the importance of proper mechanics. All of the extra throwing that pitchers these days are doing is adding to the stress put on their shoulders and elbows and increasing their chances of injury.
A report conducted by Major League Baseball showed that there have been 83 Tommy John surgeries (a procedure in which a torn ligament in the elbow is replaced with a healthy ligament from the ankle) and 35 rotator cuff surgeries in the MLB since 2011 alone. Pitchers who undergo either of these surgeries must endure months to years of painful physical therapy before they can get back on the mound. Those who are lucky enough to return to Major League Baseball following a major arm surgery often return to the league at a vastly diminished level.
There are many different styles of pitching taught to and utilized by pitchers of all levels. However, there are certain guidelines that all pitchers should follow in order to have proper mechanics. They should use their legs to relieve stress on their elbows and shoulders, be fluid and avoid stopping and starting throughout the delivery, find a comfortable arm angle, and refrain from trying to stop their arms before they complete their deliveries. Pitchers who abide by these parameters drastically reduce their chances of severe arm injuries.
While good pitching mechanics are imperative to injury prevention, there are other factors that are equally as important. Pitchers must strengthen their legs, core, and shoulders in between starts and during the offseason through weight training and a carefully thought out throwing program. They must also stretch before and after pithing, and ice and run following an outing. Running after pitching reduces the lactic acid buildup in a pitcher’s elbow and reduces general soreness and ice reduces inflammation. It is also important for pitchers to take some time off from throwing to allow their arms to recover. Through proper pitching mechanics and arm maintenance pitchers can decrease the chances of injury.