Our posture is something that we rarely think about. Everyone knows that we’re supposed to have good posture but that thinking often gets lost in practice. In everyday life it’s easier to not think about your posture and go on with life hunched over. But did you know that having poor posture can negatively impact your health? Here is why posture is so important and some tips to help you stand a little taller.
A set of muscles in your back called the postural muscles are always working to keep you body up. If you have poor posture these muscles can get over worked and stretched or tightened. When this occurs over a long period of time the muscles stop working properly and can cause muscle damage and severe back pain. When you have good posture pressure is spread evenly throughout your spin, muscles and ligaments so no one area as too much or too little pressure. Having good posture can also decrease headaches as well as neck and back pain. Being slouched over for extended periods of time can cause a lack of oxygen to go to your lungs. Sitting upright with proper posture makes it easier to breath and as a result will give you more energy.
While having good posture comes with obvious health benefits it may seem difficult to change your habits. Making simple changes to the way you sit or stand can make a big difference on your overall posture. When sitting keep your feet on the floor, they should not be dangling. Make sure your ankles are in front of your knees and keep a couple inches between your knees and the chair. Your knees should never be at a higher level than your hips. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your forearms parallel to the ground. The most important thing to keep in mind while sitting is to not stay in the same position for too long. Get up and move around to keep your body active. When standing always keep your weight on the balls of your feet. Your feet should be shoulder width apart with your knees slightly bent. Stand tall with your shoulders pulled back and your arms naturally hanging at your sides. If you have to stand for a long period of time try shifting your weight from one foot to the other or from your toes to your heels to switch it up.
Having proper posture only takes a couple of corrections. If you make little changes for a couple of days it will start to feel natural and you will notice your mood and overall health changing for the better.