Yoga has been the movement for creating more flexibility and muscle strain release in the past and will continue to do so in the future. The health benefits however, are under-rated. There are other factors to consider when practicing yoga that does not only improve that split you are trying to get or pain relief you are searching for. There is so much more to it.
Digestion improvement is one of them. Aside from eating high-fiber and probiotic-rich foods, yoga can also have a positive effect on how your body breaks down food. Because of the many positions in yoga like twisting, turning, stretching and reaching, they are actually improving your internal organs by massaging them and creating a smooth path for food digestion.
As a result, the digestion improvement from yoga also decreases bad-food cravings we may have during the day. It is common to over-eat after a workout because your body is thirsting for food and drink. It may seem appropriate, but it can harm your results after a workout Yoga cancels out this craving because it is an activity that involves your mind and breathing pattern. This awareness of your body can eliminate the bad cravings because you are in-tune with your mind-body connection.
Improved brain functioning is also another surprising benefit. The use of your body and breathing techniques actually creates equanimity and clarity in your mind. This allows us to feel less stress and focus better on our bodies and life in general. What a relieving feeling it is.
Yoga can improve and boost immunity. I bet you didn’t know that. The motion of turning and stretching your body can have a positive effect on your cellular level which can prevent illnesses, colds and other body pains. The overall internal defense system of your body will perform better and help you fight off those bad germs.
Innovation and better ideas are also a life-changing benefit. That’s right. The use of yoga can make you better at your job. Because of the stillness and energy you gain by meditation in yoga, it can create new insights, better ideas and decisions, as well as tighter work relationships and more productivity.
Relaxation from yoga may be the most important of all, in this fast-paced world we live in. Yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system can reduce the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, in our bodies. Excess cortisol can contribute to thyroid function, decrease muscle tissue, increase blood pressure, lower immunity, and increase inflammatory responses. Take a deep breath, and relax.
There are so many easy ways to ensure healthier bodies and clear minds. The benefits of practicing such activities should be a priority because it can have positive effects on the quality of life for as long as you live. Grab a mat and get to it!