Thursday, February 26, 2015

Pediatric Physical Therapy

Physical therapy patients are of all shapes and sizes. They have different ailments that can come from every age and demographic. Whether you hurt your ankle playing soccer, have arthritis pain from old age or an infant born with torticollis; a physical therapist may be able to provide the care you need. If your child has a pre-existing condition or simply hurt themselves in a sports game, it is important to fix the problem immediately. Of course no one wants to walk around in pain, but for children getting their ailments alleviated is even more important.
If an injury or condition is not taken care of timely, it can cause repercussions later in life. Waiting does not help anyone. The issue can get worse or affect the way your child’s body develops in the future. Also, children are more flexible and heal much quicker and successfully than adults do. So if you do have a child who needs any type of surgery or treatment where physical therapy is necessary afterwards, the best time to do it is when they are young and limber.
Physical therapists treat conditions from infancy to old age. If your child has joint pain, recovering from a torn ligament, or pulled a muscle it is a good idea to speak with your local pediatric physical therapist. Also, if your child has a more serious condition like developmental delays, cerebral palsy, scoliosis or limb deficiencies think about speaking with a physical therapist to alleviate pain and ameliorate the issue as soon as possible.
Did you know that you have Direct Access to Physical Therapy? No referral is needed. We offer the best Physical Therapy on Long Island where you can get help from our trusted and expert Physical Therapists. We have several locations on Long Island including Massapequa, Valley Stream, Wantagh and Lindenhurst. To start your Physical Therapy evaluation, call Park Physical Therapy and The Physical Therapy Alliance at (516) 568-4444.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy is for those who experience dizziness, imbalance, vertigo, migraines, and other inner ear issues. It’s also beneficial for patients who have had a brain injury or a stroke. So, how does vestibular rehabilitation therapy work? After a specialized physical therapist evaluates a patient’s symptoms and medical history, he or she will design an exercise-based program that is right for the patient.
 The exercise-based program for vestibular rehabilitation therapy will include a combination of head, body and eye exercises. The reasons for these types of exercises are to reteach the brain to coordinate with the signals sent from the vestibular system. To be specific, gaze stabilization exercises, balance retraining exercises and canal repositioning maneuvers are some of the exercise examples that will help a patient regain control of their vestibular system. After doing these exercises regularly, balance skills, posture skills, neck motions and body strength will begin to increase. The feeling of dizziness and the risk of falling will decrease.
 Vestibular rehabilitation therapy has been successful for some patients with only one or two sessions, but other patients may need up to a few months. Just remember, it’s important to remain confident during vestibular rehabilitation therapy. When a patient begins the therapy exercises, it’s common for the symptoms to increase at first. This is just because the brain and the body are trying to find a new way to work together. Don’t let this discourage you. Many times, vestibular rehabilitation therapy will be the only thing a patient needs to see the desired results.
It’s the patients who practice the exercises regularly that will feel the symptoms start to disappear. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy will not only cure the symptoms caused by inner ear issues, it will give a patient’s mobility and safety back. With regular vestibular rehabilitation therapy, the feeling of dizziness and the fear of falling will go away.

Did you know that you have Direct Access to Physical Therapy? No referral is needed. We offer the best Physical Therapy on Long Island where you can get help from our trusted and expert Physical Therapists. We have several locations on Long Island including Massapequa, Valley Stream, Wantagh and Lindenhurst. To start your Physical Therapy evaluation, call Park Physical Therapy and The Physical Therapy Alliance at (516) 568-4444.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Right Way to Free Weight

Exercising with free weight is very beneficial to your muscles, bones, and even cardiovascular system. Every gym usually has an extensive array of free weights somewhere alongside a main wall. There are often big burly men there lifting and dropping 100 pound weights. Don’t worry, this should not intimidate you. Varying in sizes, members can use these dumbbells in whatever activity they chose. Some people use them on the treadmill while doing other exercises like aerobics or simply on their own isolating a certain muscle. Weight-bearing exercises like this are especially good for women to strengthen bone and muscle to help fight and prevent osteoporosis.

What’s most important while doing these exercises is to make sure you are executing them correctly! Because these weights are not on an axle or attached to a machine at all, it gives the user space for error. There are no arm pads or direction where to put your arm. If these dumbbells are used incorrectly, it can lead to muscle or joint issues. Proper form is extremely important when doing these types of exercises. Besides preventing injury, you want to make sure you’re doing this properly to get the results you want. With certain exercises, if you just angle your leg a certain way, then the exercise now focuses on a completely different muscle. You wouldn’t want to think you’re working your hamstrings when you’re really working your calves.

Dumbbells are versatile and can yield great results if used properly. This type of muscle exercise burns more calories throughout the day more than with cardio. If you belong to a gym, ask a trainer the proper form on how to use free weights for certain exercises, or which exercises are best for hitting a desired area. Never swing the weights or use momentum to move them. If you have any questions, ask a trainer first before attempting the activity.

Balance Therapy

Do you have trouble keeping your balance and tend to fall often? Do you often get dizzy or have blurred vision? These are just some symptoms of Vestibular Disorders. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you may need Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy, better known as balance therapy. Treating your balance problems is essential for living a safe and healthy life. All it takes is one bad fall and it could leave you with head trauma or even death.
So, what is Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)/ Balance Therapy? It is an exercise based therapy program that is used to help treat balance problems. It is designed to boost central nervous system compensation for inner ear deficiency. When vestibular organs are damaged, the brain can no longer rely on these organs. As a result of this, you will often experience dizziness, vertigo, falling, along with other related symptoms.  The brain must be retrained so that it can recognize and listen to the signals from the vestibular system. VRT is needed because the brain relies on these organs for information about balance and motion.
During Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy or Balance Therapy, a physical therapist will do a number of assessments to see the right way to treat your disorder. Everyone experiences Vestibular Disorders differently so therapy treatment is based on one’s individual need. The therapy will include head, body, and eye exercises that you as the patient will need to do in therapy and on your own.  As said before, the exercises will retrain your brain and will also coordinate the signals with the information from vision and proprioception. Sensory techniques are used during therapy to help with balance and to decrease dizziness. You may also be exposed to a stimulus to help decrease dizziness.
Vestibular Disorder is treatable! If you think you may have a Vestibular Disorder, make an appointment with your doctor now! Do not wait!
Did you know that you have Direct Access to Physical Therapy? No referral is needed. We offer the best Physical Therapy on Long Island where you can get help from our trusted and expert Physical Therapists. We have several locations on Long Island including Massapequa, Valley Stream, Wantagh and Lindenhurst. To start your Physical Therapy evaluation, call Park Physical Therapy and The Physical Therapy Alliance at (516) 568-4444.

February Heart Health

With Fth (1)ebruary upon us it is time to celebrate American Heart Health!  If you think about it your heart is what keeps you running so it certainly deserves a celebration of its own.
The heart typically symbolizes love, so during the month February you are supposed to show yourself some love and take care of the health of your heart.  The smartest thing you could do is to stay educated and learn about your risks for heart disease and stroke.
Believe it or not Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States.  The costs of all the health care services, medications and lost productivity heart problems cause totals over $300 billion every year!
It is important to know what may put you at a higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease.  Some things that you have no control over include your family history, and your race and ethnicity.  If you have a close relative who has or had heart disease than you are certainly at a higher risk for CVD.  About 44% of African American men and almost 50% of African American women have some type of Cardiovascular disease.  A major reason for this is because African Americans are more likely to have higher blood pressure than any other ethnic group.
Unlike the uncontrollable factors previously talked about, there are certainly some factors in your life that you can manage.  These factors include your diet, physical activity, tobacco use, obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and diabetes.  By taking control of your health, exercising more, eating healthier and cutting back on bad habits you can play a major role in reducing your risk of heart disease.
Now that you know what you need to do to take care of your heart its time to celebrate your healthy heart!
Did you know that you have Direct Access to Physical Therapy? No referral is needed.  We accept all different insurances. We offer the best Physical Therapy on Long Island where you can get help from our trusted and expert Physical Therapists. We have several locations on Long Island including Massapequa, Valley Stream, Wantagh and Lindenhurst. To start your Physical Therapy evaluation, call Park Physical Therapy and The Physical Therapy Alliance at (516) 568-4444.


Your temporomandibular joint is the muscle that connects your skull to your lower jaw. This muscle is crucial in chewing, yawning, and of course talking. Temporomandibular disorders are those that interfere with the functioning of these activities and any other issues with this muscle and joint. Injury, whiplash and other accidents may cause TMJ but there is no clear reason for the disorder.
How do you know you have TMJ? Temporomandibular disorder is very painful and can affect one or both sides of your face. This disorder is most common amongst women and people ages 20-40 and can be temporary or last many years. You may want to speak to a medical professional if you have jaw problems like pain, swelling, muscle fatigue, locking, or tenderness on that region. Also, if you think you have alignment problems with your upper and lower jaw this is something that should be looked at professionally, especially if it affects your daily life. Your doctor will look for alignment problems like pops and clicks when opening and closing your mouth, possibly taking a full-face x-ray to see these joints better. Your facial muscles and bite are also key indicators of TMJ.
So, what to do now? Well, there are a few options to choose from. There are a few therapies that can ameliorate your symptoms like dental work, medications or a splint. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a therapy aimed at exposing the Temporomandibular joint to electrical currents in hopes of pain relief. Also for pain relief are trigger point injections and radio wave therapy that also stimulates the joint increasing blood flow. Physical therapy is another great option for people suffering with TMJ. Posture education, manual therapy to increase movement and break up scar tissue, specific exercises and special pain treatments from PTs can aid symptoms.
If you think you may be suffering from TMJ speak to a trained medical professional and see if physical therapy can be the right choice for you. Don’t let temporomandibular joint disorder be a pain in the jaw.
Did you know that you have Direct Access to Physical Therapy? No referral is needed. We offer the best Physical Therapy on Long Island where you can get help from our trusted and expert Physical Therapists. We have several locations on Long Island including Massapequa, Valley Stream, Wantagh and Lindenhurst. To start your Physical Therapy evaluation, call Park Physical Therapy and The Physical Therapy Alliance at (516) 568-4444.

What is PRP?

Ever heard of a Platelet Rich Plasma, also known as PRP? Well, if you haven’t, I’m here to give you some insight on just how this innovative solution can help you recover and heal from injured tendons and osteoarthritis. This new technology is completely safe and is a new upcoming health treatment in the health field known as orthobiologics.
The process actually uses your own blood in order to help you heal from pain and injuries suffered in your bones and tendons. Your blood is made up with platelets. If these Platelets are activated in the body, the platelets release healing proteins called growth factors, which help accelerate tissue and heal wounds over time. PRP is a mix of different proteins that help repair and rejuvenate the injured or wounded tendons. PRP has even received a lot of its popularity through the media with its effectiveness in helping athletes heal from sports injuries.
What is so unique about PRP? For starters, cytokines are released through these platelets and help heal bone and soft tissue. However, there are specific proteins that can be isolated or chosen to help decrease anti-inflammatory effects and pain reduction. Scientists have been able to develop natural tools in which they can separate cells in order to meet the needs of each and every individual undergoing PRP treatment. Each patient is very different and science has discovered that we cannot simply place one treatment on all patients. The process is all done with an injection, and the results have showed much more improvement in decreasing pain throughout the body and inflammatory. With cutting edge technology and scientific studies, our health sector is becoming more advanced every day. We now have all these new ways that can help all of us in our unique way. The treatment is personable and looks after what you need, and not how everyone else’s body works.
“Did you know that you have Direct Access to Physical Therapy? No referral is needed. We accept many different insurances. We offer the best Physical Therapy on Long Island where you can get help from our trusted and expert Physical Therapists. We have several locations on Long Island including Massapequa, Valley Stream, Wantagh and Lindenhurst. To start your Physical Therapy evaluation, call Park Physical Therapy and The Physical Therapy Alliance at (516) 568-4444.“

How Do Athletes Stay Fresh During Their Off Seasons

All athletes, no matter what the sport may be, have an offseason. But, how off are they truly feeling during this time? After the Superbowl, World Series, National Championship, or State Tournament, there comes an offseason.  Although these athletes may not be playing games on a consistent basis, they are still working extremely hard for their careers. There are always nutritional goals, workout programs, regular stretching, and specific sports drills to be done.
The nutritional goals in the pros are always set up by the team’s nutritionist. These are specific to that athlete. Some of the athletes may need to gain healthy muscle mass, which makes them more bulky to block people, throw harder, whatever their case may be. There are some that may need to lean out or maintain their weight. While others need to lose a lot because their weight may be slowing them down. There are many different cases as to what types of diets these athletes need. They are also in some cases encouraged to use healthy supplements or types of protein powders.
Workout programs in the offseason are extremely important. Athletes are competitive by nature, during the offseason they take this time to become better and stronger. This time allows them to work on a skill they would like to become more confident with. Coming back to training unprepared could lead to an end in their career. The higher the levels you reach, the more competition there is. When you have not sharpened your skills and everyone else has during the offseason, it becomes easier for you to get left behind.
Avoiding injuries is one of the main reasons these athletes stretch and stay in shape. They are aware of the risk they put themselves in when they let themselves become tight and out of shape. It is always important to stretch before and after a workout. But, even when you are not participating in something physical, daily stretching improves balance, posture, and blood circulation. After regular stretching, your body starts to feel better, making you carry yourself better. You are less likely to pull a muscle or get a cramp while working out.  This is why everyone should stretch, not just athletes.
Every position player has certain drills that they should be doing in the offseason. For pitchers, throwing programs are implemented and should be strictly followed. Pitchers exert their arms so much during the season that rest is very important, but not too much of it. They take time off with some light throwing, and the closer they get to the season, the harder they throw. Football players may have to work on footwork, conditioning, maybe throwing. Everything differs and depends on the sport and the position of the specific athlete.
The offseason is to be enjoyed by athletes; they need time to recoup from the everyday grind of their sports. Baseball players go at least 7 months straight with very few days off in that. Although football is once a week, the athletes are required to train every day of the season. Student athletes are battling classes and practices for months. The offseason gives them a little extra time to focus on their studies. Although these athletes are given some time off from their crazy schedules, there is not that much rest and relaxation as we may think.
Did you know that you do not need a referrals for physical therapy? For more information call Park Physical Therapy and The Physical Therapy Alliance (516) 568-4444  with locations in Massapequa, Valley Stream, Wantagh and Lindenhurst.

Proper Footwear for the Winter

We are in the midst of winter, and many of us are still not protecting ourselves and wearing the proper footwear. Most of us by now know that we should cover ourselves with a warm winter coat, hat, gloves and layer up for the cold weather. But, many of us do not take what we wear on our feet very seriously. Cold feet can lead to poor blood circulation, which leads to headaches, cramps, and dizziness. Moreover, be cautious of your feet getting wet in addition to being cold because wet feet along with cold feet can lead to frostbite. However, there is still plenty of time to change that and avoid any troubles from the cold, harsh winter temperatures.
Firstly, use common sense and wear something on your feet that will keep your feet warm. Although most of us know better, some still can’t let go of the summer and choose to wear flip flops or sandals during the winter time. It is not something to laugh about, but it is concerning to wear on your feet in winter due to the potential risk of frostbite and other harmful effects on your body. For women, flats and heels are okay as long as they are worn with stockings or anything covering your feet and toes. However, the best bet is to always go with something much warmer such as boots.
Evidently, boots appear to be the main footwear that comes to mind when thinking of appropriate footwear for the winter. However, there are many different types of boots. For women, there are tons of different boots, and all of the come in different sizes and styles. During cold temperature days, any pair of boots would seemingly work. Nevertheless, on icy, wet days, boots with heels that may be difficult to walk in can be dangerous. Instead of taking the chance of slipping and getting injured, you may want to go a safer route in choosing your boots. On icy days, wear something with a flat bottom such as UGG boots. On rainy days, you can do the same, or even try to wear a pair of rain boots. After all, all the major designers have stylish rain boots out now as well.
For the men out there, do not put yourself in harm’s way by trying to look too fancy. Avoid wearing boat shoes, or any sort of summer men’s footwear. A pair of boots such as Timberlands would work best. Some of you may not want to carry your work shoes around while you’re on your way to work, which is understandable. Yet, there are many dress shoes out there now that can be considered dress shoes but still are high-tops that cover the ankle and are waterproof and warm.
On days where you’re snowed-in and are stuck shoveling your driveway, snow boots would work best. They may not be the most stylish thing to wear on your feet, but does it really matter how you look when your block is covered in inches in snow?
You should be cautious about what you wear on your feet at all times during the winter. It is better to stay safe and prepared than to suffer from an injury or illness due to not protecting what we need to get by in our daily lives, our feet! We use our feet every day and they are an essential part of our daily activities, so hey, we might as well take good care of them.
Did you know that you do not need a referrals for physical therapy? For more information call Park Physical Therapy and The Physical Therapy Alliance (516) 568-4444  with locations in Massapequa, Valley Stream, Wantagh and Lindenhurst.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Direct Access Makes Life Simpler

How can physical therapy change your life? Physical therapy is not only great for recovering from an injury, but it is an enormous help in preventing injuries. Did you know that you do not need a prescription to get physical therapy help? You can access PT directly at anytime without a referral. This is one of physical therapy’s most accommodating features. Direct access, also known as self-referral, allows you to seek help from a physical therapist if you feel that something is wrong with your body. However, even those who are fully healthy and fit can still seek help to ensure injuries from occurring in the future.

Think about how physical therapy can affect you for the better as each season passes. Shoveling snow in the winter, running in the spring, riding in the summer and even raking the leaves in the fall. Whatever it is, our bodies can be extremely fragile at times. According to the Huffington Post, by 2030, about 20 percent of our population will be over the age of 65. This means that more and more will seek PT help. The older one becomes, the more difficult it is to be safe and stay away from injury. And no, this is not only referring to the elderly or those who may be a bit out of shape. Even athletes have hurt themselves in the most obscure ways. Former New York Yankees third baseman Aaron Boone hurt himself while playing a pick-up game of basketball with his family back in 2003. Boone missed playing time the following year and this affected his career. So, even an athlete with a great body can get injured in what appears to be the most innocuous way.

Overall, why take the chance on becoming injured over something silly that can become very serious, especially when there is no referral or stress involved when contemplating physical therapy? Direct access is given to us because we all have the right to put ourselves out of harm’s way and help our bodies become healthier. Isn’t it nice to have that choice?!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February Heart Health

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With February upon us it is time to celebrate American Heart Health!  If you think about it your heart is what keeps you running so it certainly deserves a celebration of its own.

The heart typically symbolizes love, so during the month February you are supposed to show yourself some love and take care of the health of your heart.  The smartest thing you could do is to stay educated and learn about your risks for heart disease and stroke.

Believe it or not Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States.  The costs of all the health care services, medications and lost productivity heart problems cause totals over $300 billion every year!

It is important to know what may put you at a higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease.  Some things that you have no control over include your family history, and your race and ethnicity.  If you have a close relative who has or had heart disease than you are certainly at a higher risk for CVD.  About 44% of African American men and almost 50% of African American women have some type of Cardiovascular disease.  A major reason for this is because African Americans are more likely to have higher blood pressure than any other ethnic group.

Unlike the uncontrollable factors previously talked about, there are certainly some factors in your life that you can manage.  These factors include your diet, physical activity, tobacco use, obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and diabetes.  By taking control of your health, exercising more, eating healthier and cutting back on bad habits you can play a major role in reducing your risk of heart disease.

Now that you know what you need to do to take care of your heart its time to celebrate your healthy heart!

Did you know that you have Direct Access to Physical Therapy? No referral is needed. We offer the best Physical Therapy on Long Island where you can get help from our trusted and expert Physical Therapists. We have several locations on Long Island including Massapequa, Valley Stream, Wantagh and Lindenhurst. To start your Physical Therapy evaluation, call Park Physical Therapy and The Physical Therapy Alliance at (516) 568-4444.