Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Direct Access Makes Life Simpler

How can physical therapy change your life? Physical therapy is not only great for recovering from an injury, but it is an enormous help in preventing injuries. Did you know that you do not need a prescription to get physical therapy help? You can access PT directly at anytime without a referral. This is one of physical therapy’s most accommodating features. Direct access, also known as self-referral, allows you to seek help from a physical therapist if you feel that something is wrong with your body. However, even those who are fully healthy and fit can still seek help to ensure injuries from occurring in the future.

Think about how physical therapy can affect you for the better as each season passes. Shoveling snow in the winter, running in the spring, riding in the summer and even raking the leaves in the fall. Whatever it is, our bodies can be extremely fragile at times. According to the Huffington Post, by 2030, about 20 percent of our population will be over the age of 65. This means that more and more will seek PT help. The older one becomes, the more difficult it is to be safe and stay away from injury. And no, this is not only referring to the elderly or those who may be a bit out of shape. Even athletes have hurt themselves in the most obscure ways. Former New York Yankees third baseman Aaron Boone hurt himself while playing a pick-up game of basketball with his family back in 2003. Boone missed playing time the following year and this affected his career. So, even an athlete with a great body can get injured in what appears to be the most innocuous way.

Overall, why take the chance on becoming injured over something silly that can become very serious, especially when there is no referral or stress involved when contemplating physical therapy? Direct access is given to us because we all have the right to put ourselves out of harm’s way and help our bodies become healthier. Isn’t it nice to have that choice?!

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